Recently, I wrote an article titled “ABC Cancels V – But Were Controversial Political Reasons Involved.” One of the Followers of my blog replied by saying ABC should create a miniseries allowing the plot of V to end in a satisfying way. I thought this was an excellent idea, to such an extent that I am now considering contacting ABC this week to speak on behalf of other V fans. I believe it may be fitting for V to conclude as a miniseries, since it started as a miniseries in 1983.
ABC has absolutely no excuse for not allowing a miniseries of V to be filmed. If you take the time to read the detailed response I wrote below, you will learn that we should probably boycott ABC programs if ABC is not willing to allow a V miniseries to be filmed. ABC owes it to viewers, both morally and financially, to film a V miniseries allowing the series to end in a satisfying way. The V series currently has unanswered questions that a miniseries is capable of providing answers for.
Please read the following article I wrote as a response to a great comment on my blog. You will learn why ABC has no excuse for not filming a miniseries of V. Let me know if you believe I should contact ABC about this matter.
From: Michael Zoran
To: demosi
Your idea of an ABC miniseries used to conclude the V series is excellent!
As you said, a V miniseries would allow remaining questions in the storyline to be answered in ways that would make fans of the V series happy. A miniseries would be seen on TV, generate advertising revenue for ABC, and it would also allow sales on Blu-ray/DVD to occur. As the V plot currently exists, fans have absolutely no reason to buy V on DVD or Blu-ray, because that would be like buying a book missing the last few chapters.
V is a series that deserved to be aired for a dedicated final season, simply to make fans happy and fill in remaining gaps in the storyline. Fans like us spent a lot of time watching V -- helping ABC generate advertising revenue during each commercial we sat through. I believe ABC owes it to us, both morally and financially, to create a miniseries of V dedicated to concluding the series in the proper way.
Perhaps a miniseries is in fact the fate the new V series was meant to receive all along. After all, a miniseries is how V started out in 1983. Perhaps a miniseries is the way V should go out in 2011.
Do you think we should approach ABC with this idea of a short miniseries for V? It certainly is within their budget! Look at all the movies Steven Seagal films, produces, and puts directly on DVD. ABC certainly has the resources to film a V miniseries put directly on DVD. The cast would be paid relatively well, the product would be sold at a reasonable price, and fans would be happy because the plot answers their questions and gives a proper conclusion to a great TV series.
If ABC is not willing to film a miniseries of V for fans of the series, it literally means ABC does not care about viewers of ABC programs! As of right now, ABC only cares about themselves and the money they can make from viewers. ABC may claim they care for viewers, but what they really mean is that they only care for viewers helping them make money.
With that in mind, should we be watching ABC programs? Perhaps we should boycott ABC programs if ABC executives are not willing to give V the conclusion it deserves in a miniseries. Even if the miniseries was a low-budget project placed directly on DVD, at least fans of the series would be happy.
In the 21st century we live in today, ABC can’t even use logistics expenses as an excuse for not producing a V miniseries. Rather than putting V directly on DVD and shipping the product to stores or allowing it to be sold online, ABC could sell the V miniseries online in an on-demand format. Netflix, Comcast, or Xbox Live would all be capable of allowing viewers to watch a V miniseries in an on-demand format. The bottom line is that ABC has no excuse for not allowing a V miniseries to be filmed in order to calm down the V fans that ABC hyped up!
Do you think I should contact ABC this week to talk about a V miniseries?