I was always taught how the Republican philosophy is based on the concept that says low taxes should exist so the tax savings can then be invested in the American society by wealthy entrepreneurs who have made a proven success of themselves. This would theoretically create well-paying jobs for Americans living in America. But you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to realize this has not happened, even with the Bush Tax Cuts. Instead, the wealthy people are greedy and invest in foreign markets.
This greed seen by millionaires really defeats the whole purpose of what the Republicans once stood for. Based on my observations, millionaires are far greedier than billionaires. This is probably why millionaires are still fighting for every penny, even if it means taking advantage of tax loopholes and trying to create tax loopholes where they don’t currently exist. But billionaires such as Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have proven that they truly care about all Americans – both the rich and the poor.
Like many working people, you probably pay 20, 25 or even 30 percent of your hard-earned dollars in taxes. Billionaire Warren Buffett paid a lower rate than that, a lower rate than his own secretary! By Buffett's own admission, that just isn't fair.
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Representative Tammy Baldwin have introduced the "Paying a Fair Share Act" in Congress, requiring millionaires and billionaires to pay at least a 30 percent effective tax rate. The Senate will be voting on it Monday and they need to hear from you!
Click below to let your representatives know that you support tax fairness:
During 2010, the first year of economic recovery, 93 percent of income gains went to the top one percent. Everyone else's income stalled. Obviously this is NOT FAIR! Quantitative measurements of accounting, statistics, and every other form of mathematics PROVE this is NOT FAIR!
Since the top one percent pay such low tax rates on what may be millions of dollars in investment income, sometimes as little as 15 percent, government has been forced to close schools, tell seniors to live on less money and less food, and avoid repairing unsafe bridges that could be deadly to anyone at any time – similar to the way a bridge over an expressway collapsed on top of drivers in Minnesota!
What does it say about our values as a country that the only thing we can afford anymore is a handful of millionaires and billionaires? This is not what our Founding Fathers were all about!
Enough is enough! Let's have a fair tax code again. The simple fact is, we do not currently live in a country offering a fair tax code!
The majority of Americans oppose the recent tax code changes that let billionaires pay lower rates than secretaries. This is why we’re working with our friends at DailyKos to say loud and clear that it’s time for our wealthy members of Congress to with us rather than against us. We want Congress to hear our voices in order to make sure the message is heard: “We want the ‘Paying a Fair Share Act’ to be fully supported!”
Remember, the amount of tyranny we put up with is the amount of tyranny we end up with! If you do not stand up for yourself with fellow Americans paying high taxes, you deserve to be put down and walked on by the much smaller number of millionaires and billionaires. We have the opposition outnumbered, but EVERY VOTE COUNTS!
Please, DO NOT BE LAZY! Take ONE MINUTE to sign this Petition online! I, Michael Zoran, have already done so. The only information that will be asked is your name, email address, and zip code. This will be done in order to verify that your signature is real.
Click below to tell your representatives to support the Paying a Fair Share Act.
Tell Congress to Support Fair Taxes!
In solidarity,
Mary Kay Henry
President, Service Employees International Union
Thank you,
Michael Zoran
Owner of Résumé Design Service, Web Force Now, and Controversy
[email protected]